what we did in drama this week
In drama on Tuesday we done our final rehearse before going to the primary school. I only realised how much our performance has changed since our first ideas, it use to be about 1 minuet long but now its nearly 4 minuets. We added a lot more to it and improved a lot, now there’s a little war scene what is the climax in the performance and added a new character called the red cross man, he’s a super hero who helps people who’s got hurt but his powers come from people donating to the red cross charity. It worked out very well and our play is longer and i have many more lines to remember lets hope it works out well.
L04 - This was a successful rehearsal and you're beginning to realise the full potential of your play and it possible impact on your Year 2 audience. It's interseting that you note3 the changes and are able to reflrct on the process.