The purpose of the Knife Crime Campaign is to stop knife crime. there has been a charity events raising money to stop knife crime.I have put a link to the news report about one of the charity events.
----> altogether<---A campaign aimed at knife crime has led to a 35% drop in knife carrying. I've got another link to a website about this drop.
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The main message behind this campaign.
The message to this campaign is obvious, they are trying to stop knife crime. Studying this campaign i have found out that even kids under 10 years old are carrying knives and treating people. ----> <----
The target audience of the campaign.
The target audience is anyone who wants to help or who is someone who carrys knives around with them. these people who started the campaign needs as many people to help stop knife crime. If you want top help search the campain and find out how to help.But i Think it would be better to raise awareness at primary school. So aim for younger people.
L01 - Well done Bradley you've started to undertake a competent investigation in this particular campaign. You mange to structure your work under appropriate headings to give the reader an idea of research undertaken. An interesting exzample and one that is very current!